About us
WhisperRing® stems from Mega Windforce. The design has been under development since 2016 with the goal of reinventing the wind turbine to produce power more cheaply and with less impact on people and the environment.
WhisperRing® is aimed at small-scale wind turbines that run at lower speeds and therefore cause less disturbance to the surrounding area.
The shareholders now consist of the Wervelwind Foundation, which organizes private certificate holders, and a number of larger private shareholders.
We are currently doing a market scan and presales with our organization. With the results, we will raise capital to build, test and put the prototype into production.
Development of the WhisperRing
The WhisperRing® is still under development. The design is mostly completed and validated, so we know it all works. But that is not all; various components still need to be designed and tested in detail, so that calculated strengths of components can also withstand the various stress tests.
Then we can build prototypes, which can prove themselves in the field, before setting up large-scale production facilities.
Capital is still needed for detailed engineering and testing. We will pick that up once we have proven that there is a market for this turbine. In short, if people choose a turbine that is not only profitable, but also causes less nuisance in the environment, we can get to work. Perhaps you can help us with that!
Considering the increasing scarcity and high prices of raw materials such as iron and steel, the WhisperRing® will offer an increasingly interesting alternative.
Watch a series of in-depth interviews with Eric van der Gun (CEO), Niels Diepenveen (Technical Advisor) and Gerard van Noort (Investor) here
Our Team
CEO drs. Eric van der Gun MRE:
Eric has won his spurs in the development and realization of larger solar parks from 2014 in both the Netherlands and abroad.
drs. Gerard van Noort:
As CEO of Aeolis Forecasting Services, Gerard has been active in the wind industry since 2001, forecasting wind and energy revenues for the power sector.
Dr. Roland Luijendijk:
Roland has been involved with Mega Windforce since 2018, first as a financier and investor. He has since built up considerable expertise and network.